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What do we do?

EMEx mission is to improve trade relations between emerging regions and Europe by providing trainings, doing research, and organizing events. No matter if its Asia or Africa, we believe in the power and potential of emerging markets. By training skills and improving knowledge, we aim to bring Europe and the rest of the world closer together.

Why is our work important?

Europe already has important trade relations with emerging markets. Regardless, there remains a lot of untapped potential while Europe is eagerly looking for new trade and investment opportunities. To make sure emerging markets and Europe benefit from each other's strengths, it is important that they understand each other better.

New regulation around economic security and sustainable international trade is important but not easier. Many European companies want to invest in emerging markets but are concerned about the risks. For civil servants and enterpreneurs from emerging markets, it is therefore important to be aware about this and how they can deal with it.

At the same time it is increasingly important that Europe is more aware about what is already possible in emerging markets. Improved trade relations will have a positive impact on people, planet, and prosperity. 

For who is this important?

1. Emerging market governments, civil servants and institutions/organizations who directly work on economic diplomacy, attracting trade and investment, and trade relations with Europe;

2. European governments, civil servants and institutions/organizations who directly work on economic diplomacy, attracting trade and investment, and trade relations with emerging markets;

3. Companies interested in investing in emerging markets or understanding the European market and public actors;

4. Organizations interested in organizing thematic events;

The key to European economic security is boosting trade relations with emerging markets

Our Services

Trainings for African, Asian and Latin American governments and public organizations

We train civil servants on themes related to economic diplomacy, economic integration and economic security. During our trainings, civil servants learn how they can help attracting trade and investments from Europe in a quickly changing global environment. We focus on content and practical skills but can also advise on strategies.

Trainings for European governments about trade in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

We help European governments understand how to effectively help improve the position of European businesses in emerging markets by simulations, skill trainings, and research.

Trainings for emerging market enterpreneurs and organizations

Through our trainings we help emerging market enterpreneurs and organizations learn about opportunities in Europe, improve important business skills, get to know relevant organizations, and meet potential partners.

Market Research

With our wide networks and expertise in emerging regions we are able to quickly analyse developments within markets. We focus on macro-economic developments, risks, and opportunities.


We organize events on EU trade and the position of specific emerging markets and regions. Our sessions also include match-making opportunities and expert sessions. We also advise governments on trade events like business conferences and trade missions.

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